18 February 2007

The house of cards continues to topple

Israeli Police Chief Resigns in Scandal

JERUSALEM Feb 18, 2007 (AP)

Israel's police commander resigned Sunday after a government commission said he ignored ties between senior officers and underworld figures and failed to ensure a thorough investigation into the 1999 killing of a suspected crime boss.

So it's business as usual in the Middle East's only democracy and most moral of nations.

The resignation of Moshe Karadi was the latest in a series of public scandals and controversies involving Israel's top leadership including rape allegations against the president and questions over the prime minister's role in a bank sale.

Anyone starting to notice a pattern here?
Earlier Sunday, commission chairman Vardi Zeiler, a retired judge, said Karadi should lose his job for the incomplete investigation and for ignoring ties between senior police officers and top organized crime figures. Karadi was not police commissioner at the time of the killing, but a departmental head.

Terminating Karadi's appointment would "highlight a clear norm for generations to come that someone who behaves like Karadi would be unable to complete his term as police commissioner," Zeiler told reporters.

So Karadi is not just a sacrificial lamb being offered up to create the illusion that the Israeli police force are accountable to anyone other than themselves?

"If the (panel's) suspicions are correct, this is the beginning of a very corrupt police force, and the infiltration of underworld figures to the police, which corrupts the police and the regime," Zeiler added.

I sincerely doubt that this is "the beginning". Such corruption is woven into the fabric of Israeli society.

The commission was formed to examine whether police properly closed the case of the murder, in which a rogue police officer confessed to shooting a suspected crime boss hospitalized under police guard after an assassination attempt.

The officer, who said he operated at the behest of a well-known Israeli crime family, was later murdered in Mexico, allegedly by members of the crime family angered by his confession. The case was later closed after police concluded there was not enough evidence.

These guys do get around, don't they?

Karadi insisted that the allegations against him were untrue, but said he was resigning to "set a personal example" and spare the police the harm of a scandal.

How magnanimous of him. If you were falsely accused, would you leave your job quite so easily? I don't think so.

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Surprise Development - Israel, U.S. May Shun Palestinian Government

In what seems to be the Israeli-Palestinian version of groundhog day, it's very much business as usual it seems...

JERUSALEM Feb 18, 2007 (AP)

The U.S. and Israel agreed ahead of a three-way meeting with the Palestinians to shun any new Palestinian government that does not renounce violence, recognize Israel and accept existing peace agreements, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Sunday.

That's a surprise move, is it not? I can't say I am particularly stunned by this announcement, but I am still left wondering about a few lose ends in these demands, small but important details that seem to be absent from every pronouncement and debate on the matter...
  • When does Israel intend to renounce violence, given that it was born out of violence and has lived by violence for every moment of its existence?
  • Even if the Palestinians were inclined so to do, which I believe would be a huge error, how can they possibly recognise Israel when the latter steadfastly refuses to define its own borders?
  • Can Israel name a date from which it intends to accept,
    implement and stick to existing peace agreements?

The platform of a new Palestinian power-sharing agreement, reached in Saudi Arabia earlier this month, speaks only of "respect" for existing peace deals.

Perhaps the Israelis simply don't understand this statement because the whole notion of respecting agreements is foreign to them?

"A Palestinian government that won't accept the Quartet conditions won't receive recognition and cooperation," Olmert said. "The American and Israeli positions are totally identical on this issue."

Another first. Total unanimity between the U.S. and Israel. What next? Billions of dollars of subsidy from U.S. taxpayer's pockets to prop up the failed state of Israel?

The Palestinians should make it clear that they recognise do recognise the state Israel... that they recognise it as a violent, supremacist and hate filled state illegally established on Palestinian lands through the use of intimidation, terrorism and ethnic cleansing.

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16 February 2007

No Dal Molin

While the gaffe-prone Italian ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi points out the obvious but perfectly Italian contradiction of politicians from the current government making known their intention to demonstrate against their own administration's policies, protestors are preparing to descend on the northern Italian town of Vicenza to show their opposition to the planned construction of an expanded U.S. base there.

The demonstration, which takes place tomorrow (17th February), is hoping to persuade the broad-left coalition government of Italy to rescind permisssion to expand the controversial base. Italy, no stranger to rainbow coalition governments, has several senior government members who are vocal in their opposition to the plans for the base, but who can not attend the protest because of their high-profile positions in the administration.

Some 250 coaches and 10 trains have been chartered to ferry an estimated 80,000 protestors from around Italy to Vicenza for the demonstration. Many Italian trade unions have signalled their intention to support the protests, but some of the so-called moderate unions, such as UIL, CISL and ACLI have made it clear that they will not participate, partly because the protests might be seen as “anti-American”. Amongst those who are attending, there is considerable concern about the possibility of infiltration by the so-called 'black-bloc', agent-provocateurs who widely thought to be the instigators of the violence at the 2001 G8 protests in Genova.

The issue of the expansion of this base at Vicenza is not only a matter for the Italian population, but has serious ramifications for the security of Europe and much further afield. At this juncture, and given the events of the past five years, no European country should be facilitating a ramping up of the U.S. presence in the region. On the contrary, in the interests of the safety and security of Europe and the wider world, they should be pressing for a phased withdrawl of all U.S. troops from European soil. The hard-pressed U.S. taxpayer will thank them for it, in the long run.

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13 February 2007

Is there a new Israeli weapon?

Late last year, in a post in the Jerusalem File on ABC News, Wilf Dinnick reported on a possible new Israeli weapon.

Anwar Abu Holy sits in a plastic lawn chair by his home in Al Brij Camp in Gaza and likes to tell stories. He promises this story is true.

Abu Holy is an ambulance driver and this was his worst year.

“I have never seen anything like the injuries this summer”

Like many Palestinians Abu Holy is sure the Israelis are using a mysterious and deadly new weapon against the Palestinians.

Abu Holy often raced to the front line when Palestinian militants and Israeli soldiers clashed. He would be one of the first on the scene after an Israeli missile zeroed in on a Palestinian militant’s home. He would sift through the rubble looking for victims.

In July he started seeing people with odd burns, mutilated limbs and he rarely saw shrapnel. Most unusual, he says, were little dark spots on the skin.

“Like this”, he says lifting his right pant leg and revealing a stump. Most of his leg is gone and on his upper thigh, his hands and his right leg are hundreds of small black spots.

On July 19th Abu Holy was helping the wounded after an Israeli missile attack. Shortly after arriving on the scene a second missile hit a nearby home and he was injured.

While he carefully inspects the spots on his fingers and legs he says, “they call it the black dust. And I am afraid now I am going to die of cancer because of this”

Given what Dr al-Wahid says later in this piece, this prognosis is sadly probably correct.

There are plenty of rumors but few facts.

Isn't that always the case when it comes to the Israeli war machine?

The non-profit group Physicians for Human Rights is convinced the Israeli Army is using a weapon called D.I.M.E. (Dense Inert Metal Explosive). The weapon is now being tested in the United States.

The blast area of D.I.M.E. is intended to be small with almost no shrapnel. It is suppose to reduce the collateral damage in any attack. It has a very powerful and hot explosive.

If the fatality rate is as high as is suggested later in the piece, it sounds like there is more at work than just hot and powerful explosive.

In a statement the Israel Defense Forces “deny the possession or use of such weapons”

They didn't! Did they? How out of character! As they say, denial is not just a river in Egypt (and the planned Western edge of Eretz Israel).

but admits it is looking into ways to cut down on collateral damage.

That's another irony meter that will need replacing, dammit!

Habas al-Wahid, head of the emergency at the Shuhada al-Aqsa hospital is sure there is a new weapon being used.

As ever, it is those on the front line, those having to deal with the horrendous consequences of the killing machine that have a handle on what is actually going on.

In his sparsely decorated second floor office, Dr al-Wahid says he could never find a clear wound or much shrapnel in the patients he was treating. The effected areas he says were just severely mutilated.

“Most of the patients that came in did not survive”

Sounds like reduced collateral damage to me. Make sure they don't live to tell the tale.

Dr al-Wahid then stopped the interview, put his head in his hands, leaned forward on his desk and began to sob.

There is no concrete proof the Israeli Army is using a new weapon but for Palestinians like Dr al-Wahid there is no doubt the wounded in Gaza are being injured like never before.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck. Likewise, if it maims and kills in a manner that can not be attributed to existing weaponry, then it is not beyond the bounds of reason to conclude that there is indeed a new weapon in the Israeli arsenal. I'd also bet the farm on this new killing toy being either the product of U.S. research or Israeli research funded by the ever-suffering U.S. taxpayer.

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11 February 2007

The latest round of war-pimping comes to you courtesy of Dr. Richard Saccone, a retired Air Force captain who served as a counterintelligence consultant in Iraq and teaches international relations at Saint Vincent College in Pennsylvania. This article was originally published by USA Today but can also be found at worldthreats.com.

"An objective look at the ominous threat from Iran provides a clear solution to the policy the United States must pursue."

The author of any truly 'objective look' would not be so bold as to attempt to portray Iran as an 'ominous threat' when the evidence points to the contrary. On the other hand, the author of a distinctly partisan appraisal might be tempted to use such phraseology in a vain attempt to add substance to a flacid line of argument.

"Iran is easily the most significant source of terror worldwide,"

Once again, anyone coming from an objective perspective would conclude that the most significant source of terror worldwide is the United States, followed closely by its ally/proxy/master (take your pick) - Israel.

"providing financing, training, advice, support and supplies to its proxy Hezbollah"

The extent of Iranian backing for Hezbollah has yet to be properly demonstrated. Even if Iran is backing Hezbollah, so what? The amount of financing, training, support and supplies finding its way from Iran to Syria/Southern Lebanon pales when compared against the billions of dollars looted from the pockets of the U.S. taxpayer to provide funding, training, advice, support and supplies to a state that was born from terrorism and lived by it for every day of its miserable existence.

"as well as other groups as far away as Asia."

What groups? Where? Do you have any hard evidence to back up this specious claim? By the way, "Dr" Richard... look at a map of the world some time. Asia is not that far away.

"That makes it a major opponent in the war on terror."

Any opposition to your "war of terror" is to be applauded, in my opinion.

"In addition, Iran has increased efforts to undermine the U.S. mission in Iraq through operations in the south as well as in Baghdad."

Yet again you fail to back up apparently factual statements with anything resembling supporting evidence. Just like the weapons of mass destruction that magically failed to appear during the invasion of Iraq, the extent of Iranian involvement in Iraq may well be vastly over-stated in order to provide war pimps like yourself with the opportunity to once again beat the drums of war.

"It has dared to confront the United States,"

How dare it do that! After all, the United States is the paragon of virtue, the model civilisation, a shining example for the world to follow. Actually, the United States is a bully, and like all bullies, it needs to be confronted.

"stirring Shiite sectarian violence"

The internecine violence is the result of a deliberate strategy on the part of the occupiers and has nothing whatsoever to do with Iran.

"and providing Shiite militias with advanced weapons and knowledge of constructing sophisticated explosive devices for use against U.S forces."

The I.E.D.s used against the U.S. forces and others may fufill their intended purposes, but they are anything but sophisticated. Those who possess the advanced weapons and sophisticated explosive devices are those who illegally invaded a sovereign state.

"Iran has consistently followed its goal of becoming a regional power while secretly hoping to gain control of combined oil reserves (in Iran and southern Iraq) that reportedly would stand second only to Saudi Arabia's."

Let me guess... that oil really belongs to Uncle Sam? Once again you make specious claims without providing any corraborating evidence. Let's look at the evidence as it stands. Not once in living memory has Iran attempted to invade the territory of others. Not once has it engaged in offensive warfare against any other nation. Not once! This is in stark contrast to the behaviour of the United States and its proxy, Israel. In fact, if any nation seeks to become a regional power, it's Israel.

"Iranian officials have showed almost no inclination of pausing in their efforts to acquire nuclear weapons, even openly cooperating with the North Koreans to expedite the process."

I suppose if you start your war chant by demonstrating that you suffer from a form of fact-phobia, then why change midway through? As ever, the facts fly in the face of your ludicrous claims. Iran is, unlike Israel, a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Iran has, unlike Israel, allowed inspectors from the Internation Atomic Energy Agency to inspect its fledgling nuclear facilities. Iran has shown almost no inclination to acquire nuclear weapons, and there is no evidence whatsoever that they are cooperating with North Korea. Even your own CIA have concluded that Iran is at least a decade away from being able produce nuclear weaponry. In the unlikely event that Iran is acquiring nuclear-weapons capability on the quiet, would you blame them, given the unstable, beligerent and trigger-happy Israel sitting on over two-hundred nukes?

"President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad routinely threatens to wipe out our closest ally in the region, Israel, and drive the United States from the Middle East."

Oh not the old 'wiping Israel off the map' canard again! The statement as attributed to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the product of deliberate mistranslation. In other words, it is a fabrication... a bald-faced lie... Is repeating falsehoods the best this "academic" like you can do? As for Iran wishing to drive the united States from the Middle East, the United States has no business being there, so it comes as no surprise that Iran would like to drive them out. I'm sure they are not alone in that.

"And what have our multilateral efforts of diplomacy accomplished so far? Almost nothing."

What attempts at diplomacy? The United States has proven time and time again over the past five decades that diplomacy is its weakest suit. What has passed for attempts at diplomacy were in fact thinly veiled bullying to attempt to force Iran into giving up their right to under the NPT to exploit nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

"Iran has defied United Nations deadlines, played Europe and China against U.S. interests and deceived U.N. inspection teams with false reports on storage, processing and importing of nuclear materials."

I know I run the risk sounding like a scratched recording here, but where is the evidence to back up this claim? Inspection teams have yet to make any claims that they are the victims of deception. In reality we only have the word of war-pimps like you to go by. Europe is not being 'played' by Iran or anyone else. I know the notion of independence is probably foreign to your worldview, but European politicians are perfectly capable of forming their own opinions that are distinct from those of your increasingly-unpopular administration.

"Even more troubling, we are dealing with a president who firmly believes in an apocalyptic vision that the 12th Imam will return to Earth to establish a worldwide Islamic caliphate. Ahmadinejad told a cleric that he felt the "hand of God" mesmerizing world leaders as he spoke at the U.N. General Assembly in September."

In the United States you have a president who has claimed publically that he 'talks to God' and you have the gall to make such remarks?

"The stakes are far too high to allow Iran to buy any more time through feigned receptivity to diplomacy."

The stakes are too high indeed, but not in the way you think.

"Iran must be confronted quickly and persistently,"

Why? What business is it of yours? Iran poses no threat to the United States, other than their desire to control their own natural resources. You have already illegally invaded one country that posed no threat to your nation, and you want to do it all over again?

"and the growing dissent within the country fanned so that it challenges the current regime."

Another 'color' revolution? What colour will it be this time? Blood red?

"The clock is on the side of Ahmadinejad."

You betcha it is. And time is running out for the self-appointed world policeman.

"Dealing resolutely with Iran is the only option that promises to yield tangible results."

If by tangible results you mean unnecessary death and destruction, more regional instablility and more looting of resources, I suppose, for once, you are right.

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